England to New Zealand - in Summary

Our route - for more detail see: (http://readcycleread.bike/pages/map.html)

We cycled -

From: Bosham, England to Wellington, New Zealand
No. days on the bike: 277 days cycling
No. days off the bike: 65 rest days
Distance cycled: 17,877kms / 11,108 miles
Average distance per day: 64.5 kms
Average no. cycling hours per day: 5 hours a day (some days were much longer, others shorter!)
Total Ascent: 173,279 m - nearly 20x up Mt Everest!

We slept -

Tent: 181 nights
Hostels/Guesthouses/Hotels/Hovels: 78 nights
Ferry: 1 night
Train: 1 night
Warmshowers: 35 nights
Invited to stay by a local: 11 nights
With family & friends (NZ only): 20 nights

We are eternally grateful to the people we met along the way who fed us and quenched our thirst on many occasions. Particular thanks goes to the kindness of those on Warmshowers and the few locals we met who invited us into their home for the evening, often at short notice, and never expected anything in retun. We will continue to ‘pay it forward’ with generosity and kindness to others.

We spent-

Average cost per day- £30 (including food, accommodation, visas and transport costs for 2 people)

We fundraised -

Over £10,300 / $20,000 NZD for the World Land Trust conservation charity, protecting over 350,000m2 of threatened land and supportinng local communities from the rainforest in Ecuador, elephant habitats in India to protecting the mountainous habitat of Caucasian Leopards on the borders between Europe and Asia. To find out more about the World Land Trust please visit their website: (https://www.worldlandtrust.org/)

Thank you so much for all your support!

We lost -

Clickstand (replaced - an indespensible item saving your bike frame from scratches on rocks/trees/buildings and avoiding any oil leakages from the Rohloff Hubs).
Titanium spork (also replaced a few months later!)
2 x pair of cycling gloves…Milly!
3 socks…
2 pairs of undies…lucky finders!
About 6kgs of weight each in India/Pakistan, although this was quickly replaced in SE Asia we suspect due to all the palm oil.

We broke -

Powermonkey cable/battery? Not really sure, 1 always worked, 1 was a right pain
2 x X cup & 1 bowl (silicone splits - they’re 8 years old so not so bad)
Milly’s thermorest suffered a few holes - patched up nicely though.
Screw on Jules Shimano sandal cleat
Jules’ rear mudguard rivets sheared off from rocks on road - fixed with cable ties.
Jules’ rear mudguard flap came loose - fixed with cable ties.
Jules’ bottom bracket came loose - once in Switzerland and again in Albania.
Jules’ seat post bolt broke and got stuck in the threads….nightmare!! Helped by a lovely Turkish local.
The waterproof coating on our Ortlieb rack packs have worn away at the bottom where the bag rubs on our rear pannier clips. Patched up with Gorilla tape which held for another 7 months.
Milly’s rear mudguard - again patched up with Gorilla tape which lasted.
2 x broken spokes for Jules.
Jules’ front fork ‘upper rack boss braze-on’ cracked - required a replacement fork.

Whilst not ‘broken’ we both received a new pair of bike shorts at Christmas and went through a few t-shirt changes over the year, mainly worn out due to sun damage.

And FINALLY the total puncture tally:

Jules: 2 (although one was a worn out inner tube valve)
Milly: 1

Not bad!


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