In Summary - Macedonia
Ridden on May 6th, 2018 by The Reads
The green line denotes where we have cycled. See our Route page for more detail
We cycled
From: Bllatë e Sipërme to Sveti Naum
No. days: 2
Distance: 95 kms (59 miles)
Ascent: 650 m
See Strava - @readcycleread - for full route details.
We slept
Tent: 2 nights (1 night in Scouts campground)
We ate
Quite a bit considering we were recovering from a stomach bug! Spent an afternoon at the very relaxed Cuba Libre Beach House on Lake Ohrid - lots of sesame snacks and olives.
We saw
Wind, lakes, forest and sadly lots of roadside rubbish.
One Read by the reeds on Lake Ohrid
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