Summary - Italy
Ridden on April 8th, 2018 by The Reads
The green line denotes where we have cycled. See our Route page for more detail
We cycled:
From: Müstair to Erlbach
No. days: 4 + 1 rest day
Distance: 240 km
Ascent: 4550 m
TOTAL from UK: 2115 km (1314 miles)
See Strava - @readcycleread - for full route details.
We slept
Tent : 5 nights (2 in Seiser Alm campsite)
We ate:
Almond buckwheat & raspberry cakes: 4
Apple strudel: 3
Knödel (dumplings): sadly only 3
We saw:
Acres of apple orchards and men in blue aprons, plus lots of mountains & more snow.
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